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Has your friend recently lost a parent, partner, child, or other family member? Do you want to help your friend get through the hard time, but you don't know what to do? Expressions of grief are different and complex for each individual. However, if you want to help your friend you can start by providing support and assistance, comforting your friend, and helping your friend feel better.

  1. 1

    Communicate your support. Social support from family and friends is crucial to helping someone deal with the death of a loved one.[1] Once you find out that your friend lost a loved one, you can let your friend know that you are there for her.

    • Make sure you verbalize your condolences. You can say something like, "I am so sorry for your loss."
    • You can start by saying that you are available if she needs to talk with you or spend time with you. You can say something like, "I know this is a difficult time for you and I just want you to know that I am here for you. Is there any way I can help?"
    • Offer to help your friend with any practical tasks. During this time, your friend may have to help cover costs of the funeral, unpaid bills, clean out her loved one's home, go through items, and deal with other financial and legal concerns.[2] You can offer your help and support if you feel comfortable.
  2. 2

    Bring your friend food. Practical help is often lost on friends of the bereaved.[3] However, many people who have lost loved ones are consumed with grief. A great way to help your friend in this time is to make a home cooked meal, or pick up her favorite meal, and deliver it to her. This is a common gesture (depending on your culture) that can produce feelings of being supported, which is important in helping individuals cope with grief.[4]

    • Good food ideas are: home-made lasagna, a casserole, banana bread, and soup.
    • Try to prepare dishes that can be put in the microwave or oven easily. Provide simple instructions on a post-it note if needed.


  3. 3

    Send a gift to your friend and friend's family. Gifts can be seen as an act of compassion; these gestures can provide a great sense of comfort to those who are grieving.[5] Try to avoid giving your friend any gift that will remind her of her loved one that passed away.

    • Some examples of appropriate gifts might include flowers, a written letter, or a card. It is also sometimes helpful to provide the family with a cash donation for funeral costs.
  4. 4

    Attend the funeral. The funeral is an important component of the grieving process.[6] If there is a funeral and the family invites you, it would be polite and supportive to attend.

    • Make sure that if you go, to use your manners and dress appropriately by wearing nice, neat, clothing. People also may wear black to the funeral (depending on the culture).
    • Say something positive about the funeral arrangements; this can help convey a sense of support and community, and help your friend gain closure.[7] You can say something like, "That was such a nice and meaningful service."
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  1. 1

    Spend time with your friend. The most important part of helping your friend feel better, is to spend time with her if she is open to it.[8]

    • One way you can initiate contact with your friend is by texting or calling her and saying, "I know this is hard and I want to be there for you. Can we spend some time together?" Depending on how your friend responds you can act accordingly. She may not feel up to it, so don't press the issue; say something like, "I completely understand. Please do let me know if you want me to come over in the future. Also, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask."
    • Your friend may just want a shoulder to cry on, or someone to sit around in pajamas with. Be open to just sitting around and tolerating her being sad. Try not to cheer her up if she doesn't request it.
  2. 2

    Express empathy and listen actively. Many grieving individuals report a need to talk about their grief and loss with others.[9] If your friend wants to talk about her grief or the loss of her loved one, listen.[10] Do not immediately change the subject in order to try to make yourself or her feel better. Let her express her emotions and thoughts about what happened and listen attentively.

    • Focus on your friend's personal values and beliefs. For example, avoid saying generalized things like, "they are in a better place now" to people who are not religious or do not believe in an afterlife.
    • You can express your empathy by saying, "I know how hard this is for you." You can even tell her about a time that you experienced a loss in order to empathize further and communicate your understanding of her feelings.
  3. 3

    Give your friend time. Don't expect your friend to bounce back immediately. Everyone grieves differently. Some people cry and can't get out of bed for days, while others go back to work immediately. Fortunately, people can be very resilient in the face of loss and most individuals do recover.[11]

    • Be patient with your friend during the grief process.
  4. 4

    Provide for space. Give your friend space if she needs it or requests it. Some people may need more connection during this time, while others will need space.[12] This is due to different attachment styles that people have based on their upbringing and family relationships; some people may be more avoidant of connection in times of stress, some may want more attention when they are sad, while others are more balanced in their needs (wanting both connection and space).

    • If your friend refuses to see you or doesn't want to talk, don't take it personally. She could just be too tired or depressed to want to interact with anyone, and this is completely normal.
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  1. 1

    Distract your friend. Once your friend has made it through the initial stages of grief, she may be ready to focus on something else in order to distract herself from feelings of loss. If your friend is open to it, you can invite your friend over to your house.[13] Make sure you don't force the issue on her, and ensure that she really wants company.

    • You can watch TV, play video games, have a home spa, or anything to take their mind off of her family member. Make sure your friend enjoys what you are doing.
  2. 2

    Invite your friend to join you in an event or activity. Remember you are trying to make your friend happy, so let her choose.

    • Offer to take your friend to the movies, a sporting event, a roller/ice skating rink, or anything else they enjoy doing.
    • If she is not ready to do anything, don't push the issue. Some people may need more space than others, so adjust your approach accordingly.[14] Perhaps just talk to your friend on the phone if she isn't ready to go out in public yet.
    • Try to go to places that aren't very crowded.
  3. 3

    Encourage positive coping. Coping resources are integral to helping a friend through the grief process. You can suggests certain ways of coping that you think might help your friend.

    • To personalize it, think of activities that your friend previously enjoyed doing (but maybe now feels too upset to engage in) such as certain sports or games. Offer to go along with your friend while she does these things.
    • Story-telling about the loved one or journaling about the loved one can help individuals cope with the death of a loved one.[15] If you notice that your friend is having difficulty coping you can ask, "Have you ever tried writing about it? I've heard that writing down stories of times you spent with your loved one can be helpful."
    • Rituals and symbolic activities can also help with the grieving process. This include family traditions, activities shared with the deceased loved one, and religious activities or traditions (prayer, meditation, attending religious services).[16]
    • You can assist your friend in finding information on how to healthfully grieve. One way to gain education is to learn about the five stages of grief.[17]
    • If your friend is a minor, or open to young-minded literature, you can encourage her to read information that is geared toward young people about how to cope with the death of a loved one.
  4. 4

    Help your friend find ways to keep the relationship alive. Loss is not a state of being, but a process. A person may continue to grieve the loss of a person throughout her life. Grief and loss is not solely about letting go of the loved one, but about creating meaningful ways to continue to cherish and remember the loved one.[18]

    • Some ways to keep the relationship alive include: dedicating a project to the person, continuing or finishing a project the person was involved in, passing on the values of the loved one to others, planting a garden in memory of the individual, lighting a candle in memory,[19] and the list goes on.
    • Another way to keep the relationship alive is to make a scrapbook with pictures of the family being happy with the lost relative.
  5. 5

    Encourage treatment if your friend is struggling. [20] In one study, 1/3 of grieving individuals reported a need for professional assistance or health services during the grief process.[21] Additionally, chronic depression may occur in 10-15% of individuals who lose a loved one.[22] Some symptoms of bereavement include: difficulty organizing thoughts, dysphoria (dissatisfaction with life), health problems, and lowered social and occupational functioning.[23] These symptoms can last several months to years.[24]

    • There are therapists or grief counselors that specialize in the treatment of individuals who have experienced a loss.
    • If your friend is school aged (5-18) and lost her parents or a caregiver, she may need additional help.[25] You can discuss your concern for your friend with a school counselor in order to get her the help she needs.
    • A Bereavement support group can also be a helpful and relieving option because it can give people the sense that others share their pain.[26] [27]
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    What can I do for someone who's lost a loved one?

    Liana Georgoulis, PsyD

    Dr. Liana Georgoulis is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 10 years of experience, and is now the Clinical Director at Coast Psychological Services in Los Angeles, California. She received her Doctor of Psychology from Pepperdine University in 2009. Her practice provides cognitive behavioral therapy and other evidence-based therapies for adolescents, adults, and couples.

    Liana Georgoulis, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist

    Expert Answer

    Be available to listen to them if they need someone to talk to about their situation.

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  • Anele Gawulana

    Anele Gawulana

    Jun 13, 2018

    "Giving my friend a time to speak out her bad feelings made her feel great."

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